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Class Registration

Double-Counting Courses


You can plan and register for classes on your own using MyMAP. Before meeting with your Academic Advisement Center about class planning, become familiar with MyMAP by viewing these links:

Major Academic Plan

Search for your Major Academic Plan here.

Progress Report

You can also check your Progress Report on MyMAP which will show you the progress in GEs and your major.

Students may withdraw from a class for various reasons (ie. heavy class load, physical/mental health, internship opportunities, etc).

When thinking about withdrawing from class(es), your academic advisor can help you make the right decision.

You do not need advisor approval to withdraw, as you can withdraw from classes through class registration on MyMAP.

Once you withdraw, there will be a W on your transcript for that class.

There are some class requirements that will allow double-counting (for example, if you are a psychology major, PSYCH 111 can complete the requirements for the major AND complete the Social Sciences requirement for your GE's).

However, there are also many requirements that do not double-count (for example, PSYCH 342 can only be used once for either requirement 6, 8, or 9).

For additional questions, please contact our office.