Are you looking for a job or an internship? Use Handshake! Handshake is an online job board with employers who are specifically looking for BYU students. We have a job collection page with 1000+ full-time jobs and internships tailored for humanities students. These are companies and positions where employers are specifically looking for BYU Humanities students. Follow the steps below to see who is waiting for you to join their team!
1. Start Here to Log on to Handshake: (Create a profile if don’t have one. If you have a profile already, just log on.)
Internship Database Search You can now explore all the internships in our database. Search by location and category to find the right internship for you! Featuring opportunities for Geography, Psychology, School of Family Life, and Sociology majors
Washington Seminar and Utah State Legislature Internships
Open to All Majors! The Washington Seminar and Utah State Legislature experiences are open to all majors!