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Get Experience

Most students wait until their senior year to really start getting ready for their careers. Career readiness should start with your first day at BYU!

Being career ready means you:

  1. Learn what kinds of universal skills and professional competencies employers and graduate schools are seeking.
  2. Identify experiences that will help you develop professional competencies and skills such as:
    1. Internships
    2. Study abroad
  • Mentored research with faculty
  1. Clubs
  2. Volunteer opportunities
  3. Jobs
  • Courses, minors or second majors, etc.
  1. Identify where you can build skills and competencies in your coursework.
  2. Create a plan to make the most of your studies and your experiences. Choose classes and experiences that build your professional competencies and skills.

The advisors in the Liberal Arts Advisement and Career Center can help you identify the competencies and skills you need, create a plan and get started! We are also here to help you take your experiences and coursework and articulate and apply them toward your career.

To make an appointment call 801.422.3541

Self Assessment – Know Yourself:

Skills Assessment

Experiences in your department and getting credit:

Where to find internships and other opportunities:

How to pay for experiences:

Liberal Arts Professional Clubs:

Graduate School Prep:

Pre-professional Advisement Office