LAAC Advising Team Skip to main content

LAAC Advising Team

Our Advisors

Our advising team is happy to help answer any questions that you might have. Find your advisor and answers to your specific questions below. To schedule an appointment with our advisors please contact our office at or call 801-422-3541.


  • Substitutions are typically approved through a department representative. For substitution requests, please email your department representative (see attached list) and they will work with Liberal Arts Advising to initiate and complete your request.

  • Our Liberal Arts advising and professional development staff provide and discuss information with students regarding what they can do with their majors. To schedule a career exploration, development, or career readiness appointment, contact 801-422-3541.

    • Answering the question, “What will you do with that degree?”
    • Understanding and communicating the value of their education/experiences
    • Making informed decisions about academic and professional development
    • Engaging in experiential learning and professional development opportunities
    • Exploring careers, majors/minors, internships, electives, and more
    • Bizarre requirement questions
  • If your major is in our college, then you can visit our office, call us, or email us and we can add the minor for you. If your major is in another college, then you will need to reach out to your major's advisement center to add a minor. Keep in mind that there are some minors that require extra approval and you will need to get that approval before adding it officially to your account.

  • Add-codes are given out by the professor of the class, so you can reach out to your professor to get an add-code. Unfortunately, we do not have the contact information for professors, so if you are looking for a professor's email, then please reach out to the department that is over the specific class you are taking.

    If you are trying to get an add-code for a psychology class, then you can fill out this form.

  • Our undergraduate specialists in the office can look over and sign graduation plans for ROTC, scholarships, etc. You can either email the graduation plan to our office to be signed, or visit our office and meet with an undergraduate specialist.

  • The transfer evaluation office will automatically go through the classes from your past university and transfer classes over to general education classes. However, in order for major classes to get transferred over, you will need to talk to your major's transfer coordinator. Contact our office for the contact information of your major's transfer coordinator in order to start the process.

    If you are psychology major, then you can fill out this form to request transfer classes.

  • The first step to declaring a double major is to download the petition form. Once downloaded, fill the form out completely before meeting with your primary major advisor to discuss your decision. You will send the completed form to your secondary major advisor who will review and send it back signed. You will then have the primary major advisor finish the signature process and we will be able to add the second major!

  • All major, GE, and minor requirements as well as course options are listed on your progress report. Individual progress reports can be found under the "Tools" section of your BYU MyMap page.

  • Most majors do not require a minor for graduation, if your major does require a minor (Spanish & Portuguese) it will be listed as a requirement on your progress report.

  • No. The language requirement is manually entered as complete by a graduation specialist during your final graduation check.

LAAC Student Advisors

We have Undergraduate Specialists in the office available M-F 8:30-4:30 for walk-in appointments. When you'd like to meet with one of them for course planning, you can call us at 801-422-3541.

Our wonderful team of student advisors can provide assistance with:
  • Non-graduation Letters
  • Major/Minor Declarations (under 90 credits)
  • Major, Minor, and Transfer Substitutions
  • High Credit Flags and Holds
  • Registration Issues
  • Graduation Plans
  • GE Questions
  • Petition Information

Sherami Jara


Sam Prestwich

Assistant Director
Psychology Last Names O-Z
Psychology Last Names A-N
Civic Engagement & Leadership Minor

David McMillan

American Studies

Erika Richards

Comparative Arts & Letters

Jonathan Cook

Publishing & Editing

Stefanie Nebeker

Family Science
Human Development Last Names A-J
All Teaching Majors
Human Development Last Names K-Z

Andrew Roberts

Political Science
All Languages
English Language